Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in home environment, Kozloduy

The project proposal will enable about 70 persons to receive innovative services considering their specific needs based on individual needs assessment. On the one hand this would provide employment to unemployed people of working age, and on other will enable people with disabilities and people over 65 with limited ability or inability for self-service to choose wanted assistant or helper. Each representative of the target groups can use various services according to the need and type of aid he or she needs and to get an opportunity for social inclusion. Providing access to integrated services will be done by establishing a Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in home environment, providing psychological support, counseling and supervision of service providing personnel as well as motivational or other support to service users. For this purpose there will be appointed two persons to the position of "Assistant Social activities", one psychologist and medical officer. Project will perform repair of two rooms in the building, municipal property, which will house the Centre and the necessary equipment and furnishings will be delivered to ensure its activities. The project will establish common rules for the internal order and activity of the established center with approved methods for providing social services.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2016
End date 01 Apr, 2018
Contract date 19 May, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 499,990.86
Grant 499,990.86
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 493,672.10
EU participation percent 85.0%
