Support for an independent life in the Municipality of Varshets

Varshets municipality is a part of the North-West planning region with the lowest GDP and highest unemployment rate in the European Union. About the demographic situation in the municipality can be made the following conclusions: a trend towards an aging population, low birth rate with trends to slack; negative population growth; sustainable trend to migratory movement and depopulation of villages in the municipality; a high proportion of people with disabilities and old people, which living alone. People from vulnerable groups in the municipality endured many restrictions in personal and social terms. The main project goal "to provide support for social inclusion of vulnerable groups through implementation of an integrated model for the development of the social services in the community" will be achieved through creation of a new social service "Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or in home environment in Varshets municipality ". The center will provide comprehensive support for the following target groups included in the project: people with disabilities and their families and people over 65 with limitations and inability to self-service. At the Centre it will be assigned a staff, which provides further qualifications through training and psychological support and supervision. Activities under the project: Organization and Project Management. Recruitment of users and selection of staff for providing social services; Information and publicity; Training of staff to provide services. Developing of a methodology about the Center; Providing of integrated hourly social services in the community and in a home environment; Providing of psychological support and /or counseling and /or supervision of staff, which provide social services; Motivational and /or psychological or other support for service users according to their individual needs; Providing of specialized transportation for people with disabilities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 Sep, 2016
End date 27 Jul, 2018
Contract date 27 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 499,896.60
Grant 499,896.60
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 485,752.62
EU participation percent 85.0%
