"Support for an independent and dignified life in the municipality Bojurishte"

Overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of life and access to services for social inclusion in response to complex needs,including health,representatives of the target group in order to overcome the effects of social exclusion and the poverty.To achieve the targets of the project will undertake the following activities:Organization and project management, Information and publicity;Creation of a Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or at home;Induction training for newly recruited staff at the Center for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or at home;Purchase of specialized vehicles to transport users of the Centre;Provision of psychological support and counseling personnel providing social services needs assessment of persons from the target group Operation Center hourly provision of services inclusion in the community or at home sreda.Expected results:signed contracts with the members of the project management;team meetings with the members of the project management-22, held on procedures for selection of external contractors; held a final meeting;publication in the media; information about the project on the website of Bojurishte municipality; information table-1;1-information sticker;staff in the Centre-78 persons, developed a Methodology for the Centre; Dialed users of the center-85 persons; conducted a three-day training,trained staff, 15 persons, three days; purchased specialized transport-1; provided psychological support and counseling 73 persons by the staff of the Centre x 2 consultations within the project; hired two outside persons-social workers; assess the needs of 85 persons by the target group; made 85 report-proposal for appropriate services for each user;functioning Centre 18 mounths,provided transportation to the representatives of target group,provided a complex of social, health services and contributing to social inclusion of 85 representatives of target group.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Sep, 2016
End date 21 Jul, 2018
Contract date 21 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 498,795.92
Grant 498,795.92
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 416,335.86
EU participation percent 85.0%
