With Care Of You

This Project Proposal provides for functioning of a Complex for Health and Social Service Delivery in the Community (CHSSDC), including 7 social and health care services distributed between two centres: A Centre for Early Intervention for Disabled Children (including “Early Intervention for Disabilities” and “Individual Pedagogical Support for Disabled Children”) and a Centre for Counseling, Support and Health Care for Families (including “ Providing psychological support and counseling to current and expecting parents aiming at formation and development of parental skills”, “Family counseling and support” and “Individual and group work with children and parents to encourage kindergarten attendance”, "Additional pedagogical instruction aimed at enhancement of the school readiness of children in order to ensure their equal start at school”, and "Support for setting up health counseling for children and actions aimed at disease prevention” ). The staff will be set up as a multidisciplinary team, including social workers, a psychologist, a rehabilitator and a supervisor, health service employees, pedagogues, mediators etc. An essential precondition to the service delivery is the availability of two renovated and equipped buildings to accommodate CHSSDC as a follow-up establishment to the services which are currently being provided under the two projects implemented by Targovishte Municipality – “Complex for New Alternatives” under OPHRD and “Integrated Service Delivery For Children and Their Families” funded through the World Bank.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Aug, 2016
End date 31 Dec, 2021
Contract date 12 Jul, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,320,803.09
Grant 1,320,803.09
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 872,642.47
EU participation percent 85.0%
