Childhood without borders

The prevailing rate of Samuil Municipality population is that of ethnic minorities and its demographic and social characteristics predispose to the forming of risk groups lacking of sufficient parental capacity - unemployed, people with low level of education and without any profession, residing in bad living conditions and who often migrate to provide for their earnings. The existence of one or more risk factors leads to a tendency of social exclusion of the people, contributes to the forming of risk groups of disadvantaged people, children or families needing a social aid. They lack behavioral models to follow and they are often engaged in activities improper for their age (cares for younger children, home maintenance, work, premature marriage and pregnancy etc.) Practice in prevention complex services on municipal level is effective regarding early reaction and prevention of problems in their starting point. The sustaining and evolvement of the activities created on the "Social inclusion" Project by the services "Early intervention for disabilities"; "Psychological support and consultancy of future and current parents for parental skills forming and development"; "Family consultancy and support"; "Individual and group work with children and parents, including with children and parents who are not of the vulnerable groups, aiming the visit of a kindergarten"; "Support and providing of child health consultancy and disease prevention activities"; "Additional pedagogical training to prepare children to be readier and to have equal start in school" will combine intersectoral services and will give an equal chance of the targeted groups children to face the educational system challenges and to participate actively in the social life of the country and will contribute as well to reduce and prevent transmission of poverty intergenerationally.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2016
End date 31 Dec, 2021
Contract date 30 Jun, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 621,085.16
Grant 621,085.16
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 471,642.48
EU participation percent 85.0%
