"Center for social support and active involvement - support through providing innovative models of social services"

This project proposal aims to provide active inclusion, promoting the equal chances and active participation and improved employability of economically inactive people, people with disabilities and their families, adults at risk, improving their quality of life through providing innovative services complexes for inclusion in the community. By creating a new center for social support and active involvement, there will be provided an opportunity for the aforementioned target groups to be helped and supported by provision of innovative social, medical, psychological, legal, economic and motivational services to ensure conditions for the full existence and active involvement in the community and increasing their motivation for inclusion in employment through provided integrated measures for social inclusion. There will be created Center for social support and active involvement in which at least 100 users will receive care by providing integrated measures and services for social inclusion. The main emphasis in the provided services is the need, abilities and willingness of the consumer. The newly established Center for social support and active involvement will be managed and serviced by an expert team which consists 7 people- manager, social worker- consultant, psychologist-consultant, career consultant, legal consultant, business advisor and medic consultant. The implementation of the project activities will enable the people from the target group to use diverse and targeted social and health services which are provided in the community and thereby the risk of social exclusion will be minimized. The realization of the project and the creation of a Center for social support and active involvement and the provided integrated measures for active participation will facilitate access to employment of people from vulnerable groups and will create conditions for full integration for them and their families.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Apr, 2018
End date 15 Jun, 2019
Contract date 11 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 124,528.88
Grant 124,528.88
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 124,528.83
EU participation percent 85.0%
