Delivering support to parents of children with disabilities for social and professional development

The long-term experience of Karin Dom in provision of services for children with disabilities requires a thorough study of the needs not only of children with special needs, but also their parents. The project proposal will propose appropriate measures to improve access to active employment of vulnerable target group of parents of children with disabilities in hand with adaptation service for their children. It will develop and maintain an integrated information and communication platform with a register, allowing two-way process of supply and demand of employment opportunities among parents. Additionally to the individual work with employers for information and presentation of qualified personnel, the project will trigger an open discussion between employers and parents of children with disabilities to overcome barriers and attitudes in hiring representatives of vulnerable groups in the labor market. 20 parents will be trained to acquire vocational qualification "Assistant Social Activities" and "Organizer of Internet applications" where within 960 study hours will acquire tertiary qualification. 20 representatives of the target group will be involved in KK2 to improve foreign language communication and improving their attitudes to active involvement. While parents are involved in classroom learning process, specialized care from designated functional team of experts will be provided to their children through part-time program of individual and group therapies, that support their adaptation to kindergarten or school. In order to support active involvement of parents, there will be provided weekly psychological counseling and motivational training to overcome the psychological barrier of starting work. The project provides adequate publicity and awareness of the general public about planned activities and results of the rendered financial assistance from the EU. Overall management of the process will be conducted by appointed team for organization and management.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Apr, 2017
End date 18 Dec, 2018
Contract date 18 Apr, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 218,421.13
Grant 218,421.13
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 216,641.34
EU participation percent 85.0%
