Innovative Integrated Services for Supported Employment for People with Disabilities

The main objective of the project is realization of complex actions towards facilitating access to employment for persons with disabilities, including the provision of innovative social services. This objective will be achieved through the implementation of the specific objective of providing a set of innovative services for supported employment for persons with disabilities and their families.The project focuses on two key needs: The first is the need for specialized and integrated treatment to people with disabilities compared to other disadvantaged groups in the labor market because they have specific problems such as lack of self-developed work habits, insufficient qualifications and experience difficulties in entering into mixed teams, specific requirements for working conditions and others. The second demand is reversing the negative public attitudes, especially those of employers and persons with disabilities regarding their employment potential. Expected project results are: 1. Providing guidance and counseling at least 30 persons with disabilities 2. Providing specific support services for employment of 50 persons with disabilities, including: - Realized 3 identical ten-day trainings to increase the employability of minimum 30 persons with disabilities, divided into three groups and members of their families; - Realized 5 identical ten-day group sessions to enhance employability of minimum of 30 persons with disabilities, divided into 5 groups and members of their families; - Delivered 720 hours individual counseling for at least 30 persons with disabilities and members of their families - Minimum 50 persons passed through any of the above mentioned forms of work with people with disabilities 2. Conducting a massive information - motivation campaign to create a positive attitude in society, employers and people with disabilities on the untapped employment potential of people with disabilities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Oct, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 27 Sep, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 337,405.68
Grant 337,405.68
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 299,935.08
EU participation percent 85.0%
