Active involvement, employment and the creation of the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of inhabitants of the municipality Bozhurishte

Municipality Bozhurishte apply for this procedure to higher and quality employment, reduce poverty and promote social inclusion. There are activities for Component 1 and Component 2. The project proposal foresees a process of identifying users applying for use of services and participation in measures for inclusion in the labor market in Component 1 and validation of end users of services Component 2 . The project provides learning opportunities for 10 persons from the following target groups of the project: carers of dependent family members who are without personal income and can not meet their basic needs; people at risk of social exclusion and poverty and inactive persons, and the acquisition of professional skills and qualifications in occupations "security guard" Component 1. The professions are tailored to the needs of the local labor market. The training will be held after completion of the identification and motivation of the target group, and after the poll reflecting the individual needs of each individual. Bojurishte municipality, as a beneficiary of the project is committed to hiring 5 people in the profession "guard" for up to six months. The experience gained during these months will be a prerequisite for easy integration into the labor market. Will create a new social service for residents of the municipality "Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration" (CSRI) Component 2. There are motivational training, consulting and supervisions for the target groups of the project. The information and publicity include coverage of all initiatives with the target group - motivational campaigns, training, recruitment and promotion of integrated service provided in Bojurishte municipality.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Apr, 2017
End date 07 Dec, 2019
Contract date 07 Apr, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 289,521.52
Grant 289,521.52
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 200,433.22
EU participation percent 85.0%
