Support for social integration of children and youngsters living in residential services.

NEEDS Young people leaving residential institutions for children show a marked lack of communication skills and compliance with the rules of a particular social group. Our observations show that even when a young person has the necessary education and professional skills for a position or is admitted to a particular social group, in many cases he fails to stay long-term because of his inability to respect the rules and norms, to expect a long-term effect from your efforts today, from the lack of patience and faith in the results. TARGET GROUPS The aim of the project is to develop in children and young people the skills to work on a team project, skills to cope with and respond to external norms and rules, skills for inclusion in a new social group and other social skills. The project aims to support 45 children and youth from 7 to 29 years of age, resident in institutions of resident type: Samokov, Blagoevgrad and Sofia . BASIC ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Program development and needs assessment, consisting of: - Development of methodology for evaluation "Methodology for assessment of basic competencies" - Assessment and analysis of children's level - Develop and print a methodology for conducting social skills. Activity 2: Outreach activities for social and labor realization - group interactive activities with volunteers in the form of "team work". Children from different homes and volunteers will work together for 4 days, building a complete project. Work on the project will maximize real life situations. Activity 3: Group activities with a pedagogue on the territory of the institutions providing residential services for children and youth - organization of extracurricular groups for the development of social skills consolidation and development of skills built during the excursions.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2021
Contract date 14 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 124,731.20
Grant 124,731.20
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 102,835.04
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-West and South Central Bulgaria (BG4)