BEYOND THE HORIZON“ – new opportunities for children and youths - residents in Community based services in city of Vratsa

“BEYOND THE HORIZON“ is a project underpinned by the idea to support the efforts of institutions and organizations to overcome together the problems in the process of deinstitutionalization. The overall goal relates to the social inclusion of children and youths - residents in Community based services in Vratsa through the implementation of inclusive programs and initiatives that support their personal development and their self-reliance, learning and working skills. Project implementation will support 36 children and youths aged up to 29 (disabled children and youths included) - residents in Family Type Placement Centres (FTPC) and Transient Home (TH) in Vratsa. Project activities envisage the development and implementation of specialized programmes aligned with the needs and problems of the target groups. Project activities supporting the children and youths- residents in FTPC, include implementation of an Integrated Program for Psychological support, Logopaedic support, Art and Music therapy, as well as a Specialized Program for Compensation of the Difficulties in the Motor Progress. The professional support provided will have a positive impact on the overall progress of the children, including on improving their self-reliance skills. The support of the children and youths - residents in TH, aims to improve their personal development, motivation, learning and working skills. To meet these goals, project activities include implementation of a Consultation-Motivation Program as well as support of the access to education and participation in digital competency courses. Within the project, local inclusive initiatives will be also implemented, which, through the means of art and sports, will contribute to a more effective social inclusion of the children and youths - residents in Community based services and to a positive change in the public opinion. The project will be jointly implemented by “Alliance Balkani” NGO and Municipality of Vratsa within 28 months.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 01 Oct, 2020
Contract date 14 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 142,714.00
Grant 142,714.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 141,809.97
EU participation percent 85.0%
