The target group for the project are children and young adults with severe physical disabilities (with speech impairments and fine motor skills impairments) living in residential social services. Due to the severity of the physical disability, these children are not able to communicate and learn, and because of that they can not develop their potential. The project aims to change that by using eye controlled assistive technologies - advanced high-tech augmentative and alternative communication method that uses eye gaze to access software products for communication, for text-to-speech, for learning, and for cognitive skills development. The method also allows for full computer access. The project will provide opportunities for personal growth, social inclusion and ability for independent living by developing children's communication and learning skills. This will be achieved by the implementation of eye control assistive technologies in residential homes for children with disabilities, by development of a methodological guide and training program, and by educational materials. During WP1 a methodological guide and a training program with several modules will be designed. The modules are going to be described in detail, covering the suggested pathway for development. It will also include the specific educational activities leading to skills, competence, and knowledge acquisition. In WP2 those educational activities will be implemented in software for people with disabilities as ready to used software applications. WP3 aims at providing the eye control equipment and software for 5 residential homes. In WP4 the program will be used for training of 25 children and young adults with severe physical disabilities. In WP5 the methodological guide and training program will be validated and improved. WP6 includes actions for project visibility and public awareness.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 03 May, 2018 |
End date | 31 Aug, 2021 |
Contract date | 03 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 149,259.00 |
Grant | 149,259.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 100,895.16 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |