The main objective is to contribute to the prevention of institutionalization and to promote the social inclusion of 45 disadvantaged children and youth, incl. disabled and at risk, accommodated in four residential services-Establishment Center Family Type by supporting the formation of independent life skills learning and working and personal development. Specific objectives: 1. Development of a specialized therapy program for psychodrama and its validation under the project through individual and group work with children and youth, accommodated in four resident services in the municipalities of Dragoman, Levski and Karlovo along with their parents. 2. Developing skills for independence, learning and work, and supporting the personal development and social inclusion of 45 children and youth accommodated in four residential services through: psycho-diagnostics; individual consultations; professional orientation; psychotherapy and group training aimed at developing social and cognitive skills in children and youth; training fine motor skills for children and youth with disabilities; individual and group work with 6 parents. As a result of the activities, a specialized therapeutic program for psychodrama will be developed and validated, which leads to a profound change of the self-image of the target group, supporting personal development and focusing on co-operation and social adaptability. The program will be implemented within the framework of the project and will be multiplied in the future activity of the applicant. For all children and youth will be held 10 sessions in 8 groups, incl.: 2 sessions to develop social skills, personality development for 3 and 5 for psychotherapy; individual counseling and career guidance for 5 sessions per person. The target group of disabled people will participate in 2 additional sessions to develop fine motor skills and cognitive skills. The parents will participate in individual and group counseling. Duration - 20 months.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 01 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 21 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 73,159.90 |
Grant | 73,159.90 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 71,000.60 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |