GROWING UP TOGETHER project aims to create sustainable solutions to overcome the problem of social and labor integration of children and youth residing in residential services. The project will provide an opportunity to incorporate several approaches that have already proven their effectiveness in forming self-esteem, learning and working skills and supporting the personal development of children and young people from the “Olga Skobeleva” Complex for Social Services in Plovdiv. All the activities will be carried out for 16 months in the "Family Type Center for Children and Young People without Disabilities" and in the "Home for Children Deprived of Parental Care" , which are parts of the Complex and will provide an alternative for a functional integration of the total of 29 children and young people aged 8-18 from these services through their long-term participation in the following activities: -Individual psychological counseling; -Mentoring program run by volunteers; -Art-workshops using the "group drawing with fingers" method. The problem of social inclusion of children and young people living in residential services shows a huge need for work to develop their strengths and competences needed for independent living. It is not by chance that we have chosen three different approaches to working with the target group in this project: On the one hand, the project will provide an in-depth individual psychological support for each of the participants, which will be carried out by a professional with the necessary qualifications and experience. The effect of the psychologist's expert work with children and young people will be enhanced by their long-term communication with volunteer mentors who will play a role as friends and, above all, as positive role models. The third approach aims to enable participants to express creatively the feelings and to acquire new skills for group work and sharing through art methods.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2018
End date 01 Jan, 2020
Contract date 23 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 87,824.00
Grant 87,824.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 81,389.74
EU participation percent 85.0%
