"Center for Social and visual services" - raising the social status through the employment of members of the vulnerable groups

The essence of the project proposal is in line with the EU strategy "Europe 2020" for combating poverty, promoting social inclusion and higher employment. The approach is selected to achieve results is by creating a social enterprise to "Ameyz" Ltd. with the name "Center for Social and visual services" that will provide services of social value and benefits. The center will be linked to production supplies and materials on social issues and themes needed for trainings, conferences, coaching, teambuilding and other services provided by the candidate company. The project proposal consists of the following activities: - Activity 1 is aimed at creating a social enterprise "Center for Social and visual services" and appointing a team for its management; - With the implementation of Activity 2 design could be achieved substantive provision of the established social enterprise through the purchase of necessary equipment and furniture; - Activity 3 is connected with the appointment of 12 persons from socially vulnerable groups. The activity is also the last stage to the full functionality of the established enterprise. - Through Action 4 of the present project proposal aims to be assigned mentors who will support the daily work of individuals targeted for 4 pm every day for the first six months of their employment. So constructed project implies a clear, sharp and successful implementation and achieving the procedure "Development of social entrepreneurship." Objectives of the project and the results are consistent with the priorities and indicators on the procedure "Development of social entrepreneurship", respectively OPHRD 2014-2020. The successful implementation of planned activities rely on financial support from the ESF, by a procedure "Development of social entrepreneurship."

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jun, 2018
End date 30 Nov, 2019
Contract date 07 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 191,526.86
Grant 191,526.86
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 190,926.08
EU participation percent 85.0%
