Change toward sustainable employment and a better quality of life for socially excluded persons and disadvantaged persons on the labor market through working at a social enterprise

Through the possibilities of social entrepreneurship this project proposal will meet the identified needs of socially excluded and disadvantaged in the labor market of social and labor inclusion and sustainable integration. It is motivated by the understanding that successful personal and professional realization are the basic prerequisites for a dignified independent life. The main objective of the project is to facilitate access to employment and to provide support for social inclusion of vulnerable groups through inclusion in employment of those groups in a social enterprise with clothing business and getting a training which is adequate to the job requirements and labor market. The target groups for impact - disabled and disadvantaged in the labor market and other socially excluded persons are selected to achieve maximum social multiplicative effect in a social enterprise with clothing business. Planned activities that will ensure the achievement of the objectives of the project are: 1. The selection of individuals from target groups; 2. The creation of a social enterprise with clothing business; 3. procurement of necessary equipment for the needs of jobs; 4. Create a "Unit for support and promote integration" to the social enterprise; 5. Inclusion of eight employees in vocational training. The candidate will conduct and activities: Organization and project management and Information and communication. Implementation of the project will continue for 14 months. Main results of the project are: create a successful model of social enterprise whose primary objective is to generate social returns that improves the quality of life of representatives of the target groups; create sustainable jobs; 8 persons who have undergone vocational training, which is a condition for their permanent integration in the labor market; created "Unit for support and promote integration", which will facilitate the transition to real labor market.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 May, 2018
End date 18 Jul, 2019
Contract date 18 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 164,145.63
Grant 164,145.63
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 164,144.25
EU participation percent 85.0%
