Encouragement of social entrepreneurship through support of social inclusion in "Zora-ES" EOOD

The implementation of this project will contribute to solving the identified employment problems associated with the high level of unemployment among people with disabilities and those disadvantaged in the labor market. According to NSI data in the Second quarter of 2017 the total number of unemployed in Bulgaria is 214 000 people, among them is extremely high number of lasting unemployment - 55%, people with primary or lower education - 38% of unemployed young people under 29 - over 9,5%. To overcome the front, fighting unemployment among vulnerable groups in the labor market is a key priority of the National Reform Programme 2012-2020. In parallel, the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor process is essential for their employment and social integration into society and to improve their quality of life. In terms of the above, the project provides for measures to promote the social economy by providing access to employment and improve the active involvement of the furthest from the labor market. To realize this purpose the company plans to provide support towards social inclusion through the formation of social enterprise in its structure and providing employment for 19 persons from the target groups of the project. Thus the project will be a direct investment in human capital aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills and ensuring the right to work and decent pay. With this project, the company aims to expand its activities by providing professional cleaning services for homes and cars. The activities and their temporal range bound with underlying project objectives and necessary for their implementation, ensuring expected results. They provide for the formation and function of the social enterprise, technical and functional ensuring for the provision of jobs, created employment for 19 persons from the target group.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Dec, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 21 Dec, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 199,987.20
Grant 199,987.20
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 199,987.20
EU participation percent 85.0%
