The main target of this project is to create new possibility for employment and to ensure support for social inclusion of unemployed and inactive people, belonging to vulnerable groups at the labor market and people with disabilities, through their participation in activities in behalf of the people with disabilities . The main goal will be achieved through specific project objectives, as follows: 1.Self-supported Social enterprise to be created and directed toward the needs of people with visual, motive and other disabilities and this enterprise to enable for their social integration, including possibility for Academical rowing training, 2.Alternative possibility to be ensured about free time organizing in behalf of people with disabilities, by combining of leasure, amusement and sporting activity, 3.Family members, looking after disability people to be assisted with the time, they save, when their disability nears will spend in the social enterprise, 4.Possibilities for professional realization in behalf of unemployed and inactive at the labor market people from the vulnerable groups to be created, such as they to work in the new founded Social enterprise in behalf of people with disabilities, 5.Necessary equipment to be secured for the new created Social enterprise with the sporting and other equipment, 6.Innovative approach toward the people with disabilities to be implemented. Indicated targets will be attained through project activities, as follows: 1.Social and professional integration of the vulnerable groups representatives in the social economy sector, 2.Equipment of the new created jobs, 3.Support of eleven unemployed or inactive at the labor market vulnerable people for twelve month employment, 4.Psychological assist and motivation for the disability people, 5.Ensuring a tutor by the employer for one of the new hired person, 6.Exploration of the demand and possibilities for market realization of the new service.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 03 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 03 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 03 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 192,430.00 |
Grant | 192,430.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 178,612.84 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |