Development of social entrepreneurship in "Tradefarma" Ltd.

’Treidpharma’’ is a company with its’ main business focus targeted at hotels and restaurants. The completion of the project proposal will satisfy the companies’ necessity in both entrepreneurial and social aspect. At this moment the company needs the provision of additional human resource in order to cover the whole aspect of its business range in both quantity and quality. By the implementation of the project, 80 new workplaces will be created. 7 of them assigned to the "Cook" position will be included in a training course for acquiring and enhancing professional qualifications.The project envisages the people employed for the new workplaces to be from vulnerable groups, in a disadvantaged state on the labor market. The execution of the project will satisfy both entrepreneurial human resource needs and social need to reach employment, professional and social integration of people from vulnerable groups. It will be launched successful start of the development of the candidate in direction of social entrepreneurship. The target group is people in disadvantaged state on the labor market, with a priority towards unemployed youth up to 29 years of age and unemployed persons at the age of 54 or higher. Project goals: to provide employment for 80 persons from the target group for a period for up of 6 months; to support the development of social entrepreneurship Expected results: to create conditions for professional integration for 80 persons from the target group; successfully completed a vocational training course for 7 of them, to guarantee stable income for period of 6 months for the newly hired persons, successful start of a new social enterprise. Project activities: 1. Provision of employment for a period of 6 month for 80 persons from the target group; 2. Involvement in training to acquire and enhance the professional qualification of 7 persons from the target group; 3. Visualization of the project; 4. Organization and management of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jun, 2018
End date 09 Dec, 2019
Contract date 18 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 390,186.72
Grant 390,186.72
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 276,621.49
EU participation percent 85.0%
