The project is for creation of a new social enterprise will serve as a bridge for successful integration of vulnerable groups and providing support for their better quality of life. The planned project activities will provide conditions for adequate adaptation by complex psychological consultations appointed psychologist and consultant vocational guidance and training in support of employment for at least 6 pers from vulnerable soc groups - those disadvantaged in the labour market and other socially excluded persons: unemployed youths under 29 years - 3 people, unemployed over 54 years - one person and 2 persons from the groups of unemployed young people up to 29 years / long-term unemployed persons (those who are unemployed in a period longer than 12 ) or unemployed over 54 , who will be given the opportunity for prof development. The social enterprise will hire suitable premises to create new jobs and launch of the Centre for C D I. The project will contribute to provide the necessary equipment for new jobs, and will be purchased materials and consumables, ensuring the activity of the target group.The social enterprise will employ people from vulnerable groups of the following positions: Animator - 1 person; Hygienist - 1 person; Pedagogue - 1 person; Assistant Educator- 1 person; Teacher / Lecturer, foreign language (Eng)- 1 person; O manager - one person. Employees from the target group will be supported by a team formed engaged in social enterprise - manager and accountant, providing them permanent working conditions, training them and entering them in the field of working with children. Will contribute to the sustainability of s. enterprise through the implementation of effective promotional activities, and formed a team organisation and management will observe the progress of each stage. Will arrange sufficient publicity imaging agents to accommodate the resulting contribution of the EU and European Social Fund for implementation of the project idea
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 13 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 13 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 91,652.19 |
Grant | 91,652.19 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 91,651.13 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |