Creating a social enterprise and providing opportunities for socialization and professional integration of persons from vulnerable social groups

The project is aimed at creating a social enterprise for furniture production, one of its aims being to provide opportunities for socialization and professional integration of 12 persons with disabilities and disadvantaged on the labor market. The aim of the project is fully in line with the objective of a grant procedure "Development of Social Entrepreneurship" - facilitating access to employment and providing support for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups by creating conditions for their professional integration in the sphere of the social economy. To achieve this goal, a new social enterprise and a Resource Center will be created, which will carry out all the assistance and support activities of the target group. The duration of the project will be 15 months, and the employment will be for a period of 12 months. Various activities will be carried out under the project and the main and main motivation will be the provision of opportunities and conditions for decent work, active social and professional life for persons from vulnerable social groups. They will actively participate in the formation of a set of measures and actions aimed at establishing a new model of governance and development of the social economy and solidarity. The activities to be implemented under the project are aimed at improving the quality of life of vulnerable social groups included in the project by creating conditions for effective exercise of their right to independence and social inclusion through the principle of equal opportunities. The realization of the project will give a real opportunity to 12 people to work and live fully, to be actively involved in all spheres of work and public life, and to be realized both professionally and personally. The activities will satisfy the basic needs of the target groups and will provide opportunities for them to be included in real work with a significant social dimension through the creation of a social enterprise.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 20 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 175,025.00
Grant 175,025.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 175,025.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
