Municipal social enterprise landscaping and Public Works, Municipality Straldzha - with new powers forward

The project proposal will be give awards of the project: "Social enterprise for landscaping and urban planning - Straldzha municipality", funded by Operational Programme - Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013 with the project on the territory of the municipality, to create a enterprise that provides employment to individuals at a disadvantage. With the present project will allow to expand a range of techniques and methods of action the company plans to newly recruited people who are the target group, to carry out activities on gardening and supplies and in other localities of the municipality, while currently the company's activity was mainly concentrated in the administrative centre – Straldzha city. For this purpose, from the selected target group "of persons at a disadvantage in the labour market and other socially excluded persons", namely, unemployed youth and the long-term unemployed will be selecting and recruiting 20 people who will be mobile groups to work in villages. The event will be associated with gardening, cleaning and maintenance of public green spaces in settlements) - parks, gardens, intellectual Board games and easement on the roads. To ensure appropriate conditions for citoprotective required for landscaping of public spaces will be renovated in the existing greenhouse. Going to buy equipment for group work - mowers, chainsaw, a device for blowing and sucking leaves, wheelbarrow. Workers from the target group "of persons at a disadvantage in the labour market and other socially excluded persons" will be held training of the profession in the first degree "employee in landscaping". The project provides for psychological support and motivation of vulnerable groups for inclusion in the work. Promotion of the project will allow to provide with widely held campaign for information and communication.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 May, 2018
End date 30 Sep, 2019
Contract date 30 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 223,515.87
Grant 223,515.87
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 212,283.79
EU participation percent 85.0%
