Social enterprise Leighridge Consult Ltd, an alternative for development.

This project proposal is aimed at providing support for social inclusion of vulnerable groups of people by creating appropriate conditions for their professional integration in the social economy. In the structure of the company will be created a new social enterprise. We will meet all the requirements, related to the social enterprise. We will achieve the social return by focusing 51% of the profit on the main goal. Eight jobs will be created, of which 6 persons will be appointed according to budget line 1/1.1 and 1 more persons will be appointed according to budget item 2. These persons should be both unemployed and inactive. The target group is described in detail in section 11.4 in the project. 50% of the newly created jobs will remain for at least 6 months after the completion of the subsidized employment. The project’s main objectives and expected results will be achieved through performance of the stated activities following an analysis of the target group’s needs and problems, as well as the ways for their resolution. The project proposal is related to Priority Axis 2 “Reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion” and Investment Priority 4, as the selected target group is directly connected with the determined social challenges in achieving Specific Objective 1“Increasing the number of people employed in social enterprises after having received support”. Through promoting social entrepreneurship and implementing the project, certain social impact will be achieved, as vulnerable groups of people. The target group’s participation in the project’s activities will result in employment inclusion and sustainability following the provided support. The objectives of the Social Inclusion Policies will be achieved at the national communities and individuals who need support. By achieving those goals, we will contribute to the active fulfilment of two objectives of the Europe 2020 EU Strategy, namely social exclusion and employment, and the fight against poverty.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Jun, 2018
End date 06 Oct, 2019
Contract date 06 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 99,790.68
Grant 99,790.68
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 97,413.35
EU participation percent 85.0%
