The overall objective of the project is to help change the model of social inclusion of a wide range of vulnerable groups of citizens in society and improve their quality of life by supporting the development of a sustainable social enterprise for the benefit of people with cancer in Bulgaria. The specific objective of the project is to create a social enterprise on the basis of the Dara Help Association's current functions and objectives and to provide opportunities for employment and professional integration of disadvantaged persons on the labor market and other socially excluded persons, and people with permanent disabilities, as well as to create a social enterprise team. The implementation of the project envisages the following activities: 1. Psychological support and motivation of 100 persons from the vulnerable groups for inclusion in employment; 2. Social and professional integration of 21 representatives from vulnerable groups in the social economy sector; 3. Equipping the jobs created; 4. Provide employment to 21 representatives, incl. vulnerable groups - people with disabilities, the team of the social enterprise consisting of 5 persons and 5 consultants supporting the company's team. 5. Exploring the demand and the possibilities for marketing of the goods and services provided; Methods are provided to promote the specific objectives and results of the project and the financial support from the ESF. A team leader will be appointed for the successful implementation and reporting of the project and will be assisted by a consultancy firm selected under the CMC 160/2016. Internal monitoring, monitoring and reporting mechanisms are foreseen. There is a mechanism for monitoring and feedback with the target group at each stage of the project. Mechanisms are provided to prevent discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for each stage of the project implementation.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 01 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 18 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 297,409.70 |
Grant | 297,409.70 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 251,947.23 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |