Development of conditions for easier access to employment of persons with disabilities by opening six new jobs in the social enterprise of the Association "Naturalistichno", support for their social and professional integration and conducting a social marketing campaign to promote the social economy

The project includes hiring six persons, representatives of the vulnerable group "disabled" for a period of 10 months for each of them in the social enterprise to participate in the provision of exclusive entertainment services with sea vessels, including mixed crew of sighted and blind people. The project aims to provide opportunities to hire six employees in the newly created social enterprise of the Association "Naturalistichno", thereby creating the conditions to meet the needs and problems of the target group. Besides recruitment, the project aims to equip new jobs with specialized for the activity equipment and inventory, as well as provide opportunities for market development and social marketing campaigning to promote the services of the social enterprise and the social economy as a whole. Last but not least is the purpose for social and professional integration for the included in employment persons of the target group "people with disabilities" is placed. As a result of the implementation of this project proposal six employees will be hired on these positions according to the classification of occupations, NCO - 2011: 8350-2006 - Sailor - 6 jobs Within the project the following activities and measures will be implemented: 1. Selection and appointment of six employees from the target group 2. Purchase of specialized equipment related to the new jobs 3. Hiring of two members of the team of the social enterprise for implementing a social and professional integration program for the persons from the target group 4. Conducting a social marketing campaign to promote the benefits of social economy 5. Activities and measures for organization, management, information and publicity of the project activities

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Dec, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 08 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 94,269.84
Grant 94,269.84
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 94,250.91
EU participation percent 85.0%
