The project Creating conditions for the development of "social enterprise outstretched hand" Ltd. aims: "To provide support for social and labor inclusion of representatives of vulnerable groups in the labor market, through the creation and development of social enterprise to" Social Enterprise outstretched hand "Ltd. To achieve the main goal formulated the following specific objectives: 1. To set up a social enterprise to support and assist people from vulnerable social groups, incl. persons who have served their imprisonment 2. To provide support for the social inclusion of unemployed/inactive people from vulnerable groups in the labor market and persons who have served their imprisonment 3. To enable the unemployed/inactive people from vulnerable groups to improve their professional skills for successful professional integration Social Enterprise outstretched hand Ltd. 4. To reduce the unemployment rate among vulnerable groups by creating conditions for inclusion in employment; 5. To promote social enterprise and the social economy as a model of support to vulnerable groups and to change public attitudes towards them. These objectives will be achieved by implementing the following activities: 1. Preparation, establishment and equipment of Social Enterprise "outstretched hand" Ltd. 2.Osiguryavane psychological support and motivate individuals from vulnerable groups in social enterprise "outstretched hand" Ltd. 3. Ensuring employment in social enterprise 4.Implementation of activities to promote the social economy, social entrepreneurship and business activity 5.Conducting training With the implementation of these actions will achieve the following measurable results: -will be created first newly created social enterprise; -the 11 unemployed/inactive people from vulnerable groups (incl. of persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment) on the labor market of the town Sofia.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 12 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 31 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 12 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 190,473.36 |
Grant | 190,473.36 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 190,245.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |