Create a new social enterprise with focus - more accessible and quality education.

Net Agent Ltd. will create a new social enterprise in the structure of your organization through this procedure, which will begin to function as such by this project proposal. Net Agent Ltd. will provide services that generate social return, to improve the quality of life of vulnerable groups by providing accessible and quality education. Net Agent Ltd. will develop interactive educational content that will be available through mobile online platform. For this purpose, except compulsory licenses and registrations that Net Agent Ltd. already owns will digitize developed learning programs and training materials, and will create a mobile web platform for the provision of services (trainings). The main goal associated with the creation of new social enterprise will also contribute to better marketing will extend the range of services offered, includ. and social ones. Will attain a measurable positive social impact on the provision of access to training for persons who have difficulties in the implementation of the labor market. Implementation of activities will lead to achieving predefined results: - Create a new social enterprise that represent center providing various trainings - Facilitating access to employment by conducting trainings in professional and key competences of individuals in the target group and provide employment - Provide support for social inclusion of vulnerable groups through the creation of appropriate conditions for professional career of individuals targeted by their appointment through subsidized employment in Net Agent Ltd. - Research of demand and opportunities for marketing services

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 May, 2018
End date 03 Aug, 2019
Contract date 03 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 86,303.00
Grant 86,303.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 79,120.78
EU participation percent 85.0%
