Establishing a social enterprise as a part of Child and Space Association - supporting a worthy and fulfilled life for youth with disabilities

Child and Space Association (CSA) is an NGO with nearly ten years of experience as a provider of social services for children and youth at risk. At present, the CSA manages 9 social services – residential type and in the community, where provides care for youth with disabilities. The CSA is looking for an opportunities to provide the merited life and a good future for all of them, as well as for youth with similar disabilities from the community. Therefore, the main objective of the project is to create a social enterprise as employment support for disabled youth in order to give them a chance of social inclusion; reduce the risk of long-term unemployment and marginalization. The successful inclusion into employment will contribute to the acquisition of new labor and personal skills; to increasing their self-esteem. The Association writes into its juridical statute the creation of a social enterprise, and this change being in court registration. The target group of the project includes 14 young people with disabilities between 18 and 35 years of age - unoccupied persons from SDP social services in the municipalities of Rousse and Troyan, and youth in the community. The target group is divided into two parts according to the place of residence of the youth. The activities include establishing of a social enterprise with two units in these two municipalities, with the partnership of the municipality of Troyan and the cooperation of Rousse Municipality. There will be a public laundry in Rousse and a pottery workshop in the village of Dalbok dol, Troyan Municipality. The youth with disabilities will be accompanied by special mentors, and will be supported by specialists for successful professional integration. As a result, 14 youth with disabilities will be included in the labor market and will get their work biography started. The created personal and work skills will increase their life experience, self-esteem and give them a better chance of a decent life.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 01 Sep, 2019
Contract date 09 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 197,397.38
Grant 197,397.38
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 127,300.64
EU participation percent 85.0%


North and South East Bulgaria (BG3)