Turnava BG PLtd was established in May 2016. Currently it is specialized in services to the population and trade. Through the implementation of the activities of this project proposal, a new social enterprise for production of the traditional chocolate for the region of Gabrovo (pestle), dried herbs, dried fruits and vegetables, jams, toppings and marmalades will be created. The aim is to provide support for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups by creating conditions for sustainable employment, training and professional realization in the field of production and trade with traditional bio products. The specific objectives are:1.Creation of a working self-financing social enterprise;2.Creation of new workplaces for people with low competitiveness on the labor market;3.Development of knowledge and skills of newly hired unemployed persons from the target group for effective professional realization. In order to meet the specific needs of newly created workplaces, 12 members of the target group will be involved in training for acquiring knowledge and skills in the profession "Cooker” and key competencies 6 Public and civil competencies.These people have to be motivated, supported and directed to work, which will bring them satisfaction in order to achieve their full potential. The project is aimed to contribute to the creation of 12 sustainable workplaces. It is pointed at investiment in people and creation of conditions for increasing of their the competitiveness, as well as ensuring and retaining their employment. The project will be implemented through the following activities: selection, training and hiring of unemployed persons, provision of mentors, appointment of a team to the social enterprise - manager, chief accountant and technologist; supply of equipment for the new created workplaces; organizing the leisure time of the people, promoting the social economy and social entrepreneurship, search for market opportunities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 01 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 07 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 194,046.05 |
Grant | 194,046.05 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 194,046.04 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |