Expanding the activities of the social enterprise "The Social Teahouse" to the Association "Idea" through the employment of vulnerable groups

The idea of expanding the existing social enterprise will serve for the effective integration of vulnerable groups and providing support for their better quality lifestyle in the city of Varna. The planned project activities will provide conditions for adequate adaptation by psycholog. consultations to deal with stress in the workplace and improve the social skills of at least 6 persons from vulnerable social groups - those disadvantaged in the labour market and other socially excluded persons, unemployed youngsters '29 years - 1 person and unemployed youths from social institutions who have completed their education / unemployed persons with basic or lower education and without professional qualification - 5 persons who will be given the opportunity for professional development. The project will expand an existing social enterprise Association "Idea" - Social Tea house in the field of social inclusion of young people from marginalised groups living in social and economic isolation by providing opportunities for training, incl. in employment and opportunities for personal and professional development by differentiated new activity associated with the preparation and supply of hot and cold food in social tea house. Business expansion will help inclusion in employment to a total of 6 persons from the target group. Will provide the necessary equipment for new jobs, and will be purchased materials and supplies backing the work of the target group. Will be employees from vulnerable groups on the following position: "Assistant cuisine fast food" - 6 persons. The employees from the target group will be supported by a team engaged in social enterprise - manager, coordinators - 2 persons and worker support, providing them with constant operating conditions. The project will contribute to the sustainability of social enterprise through the implementation of effective promotional activities, and formed a team organisation and management will observe the progress of each stage.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 May, 2018
End date 22 Aug, 2019
Contract date 22 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 97,989.36
Grant 97,989.36
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 96,461.04
EU participation percent 85.0%
