From Actualno – Social Enterprise in support of vulnerable groups

The project social enterprise "From Actualno" main objective is to facilitate the access to employment and to provide support for social inclusion of vulnerable groups through the creation of appropriate conditions for their professional integration in the social economy. A social enterprise will be created – Internet social media which will provide employment for 16 members of the target group. 1. Reducing unemployment within risk groups referred in particular t.11.4. 2. Creation of subsidized employment of 21 representatives from these target groups for 12 months and long-term one, after the completion of the project. 3. Creation of digital social media online business with a strong regional representation, which specializes in social issues and provides supporting information for vulnerable groups. 4. Improving access to the labor market of members of vulnerable groups through psychological assistance, counseling and motivating and training. This project of the Internet media group "Actualno" is focusing on social and professional adaptation to the new conditions of work of journalists in Sofia and the country, unemployed people over 54 years old, unemployed youths up to 29 including and those with permanent physical disabilities. They will develop all the themes of reality and at the same time one of the highlights of their future work and career development will be close to them issues related to people with disabilities, the poor and unemployed.Will create new platforms and programs for the target group: online libraries, online consultations - lawyers and doctors, advice in various fields, shows for the blind and others.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 01 Oct, 2019
Contract date 11 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 286,440.00
Grant 286,440.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 286,440.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
