Development of social entrepreneurship and facilitate access to employment of vulnerable groups - "BAKERY 2" Ltd.

“Bakery 2”LTD is a company specialized in the bread and bakery products.The company employees mostly consist representatives of vulnerable groups on labor market, considering the sectoral affiliation of the company. In this connection Bakery 2 Ltd. has a clear vision of investment necessity in human resources and willingness for creation and development, as an additional business activity, a new social business with basic purpose a professional integration of persons from vulnerable social groups by the current project proposal. The social enterprise will be established with purpose of employment provision, social and professional integration of persons from target group which will bring about a measurable positive social effect by poverty and unemployment decrease.The candidate envisage a conclusion of thirtysix labor contracts on an eight-hour working day with representatives of target group up to twelve month period by providing appropriate conditions for professional integration in the scope of social economy such as: - Providing a social and professional integration of those included in employment; - Providing appropriate working environment of newcomers by equipment purchase needed for successful implementation of their professional commitment. The newcomer will work at the same production sector but the method by which they are introduced in working process of the company will incarnate the basic social purpose of the business and the current project proposal. These activities will bring about the expected results for creation of possibilities for disadvantaged persons at labor market as well as other socially excluded persons for a fulfilled life and facilitated professional integration in the scope of social economy. This, in its turn, is a prerequisite for ensuring of stable decrease of poverty by providing a better quality employment and stimulating of social and solidary economy.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 08 Jun, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 08 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 373,790.27
Grant 373,790.27
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 214,375.88
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-East (BG34)