Establishment of a social enterprise "Beautiful Municpality"

The objective of project is to create a social enterprise "Beautiful Municpality" with which to promote social inclusion and social integration of vulnerable groups through execution of repair and reconstruction works of public facilities within Sredets Municipality. Thus the access to employment will be facilitated and support provided for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups through the creation of appropriate conditions for their professional integration in the social economy. The specific objectives of the project are: To create a social enterprise "Beautiful Municpality" of non-profit association "Dialog" To facilitate access to employment for vulnerable groups To create appropriate opportunities for vulnerable groups included in employment To promote social enterprises Non-profit association "Dialog" will achieve its objectives, taking into consideration the extensive experience of working on various projects in the municipality associated with providing social services and seeking opportunities to support vulnerable groups. The deficiency in vacancies and the limited number of new opportunities for work, the high rate of unemployment as well as the large number of individual without occupation and poor or no compenecies and qualifications – all these highlight the need to create opportunities for particularly vulnerable groups in the labor market that are placed at a disadvantage. By creating a social enterprise the non-profit association "Dialog" will provide opportunity for the target group, social and psychological support and will make the utmost possible employment of members of vulnerable groups in the activity for which they have the necessary qualities and abilities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 01 Nov, 2019
Contract date 12 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 388,130.40
Grant 388,130.40
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 360,004.37
EU participation percent 85.0%
