Establishment and development of a social enterprise "Snack Art" for production of confectionery

The aim of the project proposal is to set up a social enterprise "Snack Art" for production of confectionery as part of the existing company "Snack Art AD". To achieve that goal we have set the following specific objectives: - Create social enterprise "Snack Art" part of "Snack Art" AD company; - Facilitating the access to employment for vulnerable groups; - Establishment of appropriate opportunities for vulnerable groups included in employment; - Promotion of social enterprises and social economy; The Social enterprise will achieve the goals as the company is currently working with representatives of vulnerable groups within the various charitable initiatives and social projects, which in turn will facilitate the utmost possible employment of members of vulnerable groups in the activity for which they have the necessary qualities and abilities. Social Enterprise "Snack Art" will focus on the production of high quality, hand made sweet bars made with spelled, various grains, nuts and butter pastry dough. It will start its activities by providing work for up to 21 representative of the target groups. Its activity consists in making various sweet bars, oatmeal cookies, snack sticks and catering services. The aim of the project proposal complies with the procedure for granting aid. Access to employment and social inclusion of vulnerable groups will be facilitated by means of implementation of the planned project activities and the creation of appropriate conditions for their professional integration in the field of social economy.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 02 Jul, 2018
End date 02 Oct, 2019
Contract date 12 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 297,138.24
Grant 297,138.24
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 296,006.37
EU participation percent 85.0%
