Lift Correct Ltd

Lift Correct is a social enterprise executing social activities without formally identifying itself as such. During the execution of the project an effective support for everyone that includes the insurance and adaptation of the work environment will be sought. Adequate measures will be undertaken and they will be applied and implemented in a manner consistent with the specific and individual needs of the vulnerable groups in order to provide them with the opportunity to lead an independent life, execute socially significant roles, be actively participating citizens, contributing to the social life. The effective support will include individual support and the provision of an accessible environment, including technical equipment designated to eliminate communication. With this project Lift Correct would achieve the following: • Social integration in the public life. • Social inclusion.The vulnerable groups of people have the right to be respected, appreciated and protected by the Law. • Individual approach. The social services shall be personalised and will be in line with specific needs; they will guarantee the fundamental human rights and will protect the most vulnerable groups; • Transparency of policies and procedures; better employment opportunities and support for vulnerable individuals; • Improvement of their capacity and professional qualities; • The participants will be provided with the opportunity to take on with the responsibility that is rightfully theirs. This project proposal is in full compliance with the Priority axis (pillar) No2 “Poverty decrease and encouragement of social inclusion” and Investment Priority 4 “Encouragement of the social entrepreneurship and the professional integration in the social enterprises; and Encouragement of social and solidary economics aiming to facilitate the access to employment”. Specific objective/goal 1 „Increase of the number of workers employed in the social enterprises after a received aid”

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Jun, 2018
End date 15 Oct, 2019
Contract date 15 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 97,552.00
Grant 97,552.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 94,236.63
EU participation percent 85.0%
