Reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and access to employment for people with disabilities and other socially excluded persons by creating new jobs and trainings in "SMART BUSINESS COMPANY" Ltd.

This project is aimed at reducing poverty and promoting social integration and access to employment for people with disabilities and other socially excluded persons for up to 12 months by creating new jobs and trainings in SMART BUSINESS COMPANY LTD. The main purpose of realization of the project is to facilitate access to employment and to provide support for social inclusion of the people from the target groups. The specific objectives of the project are: SO1 - To reduce poverty to 71 newly hired people with disabilities and other socially excluded persons; SO2 - To provide support for social integration and access to employment. The achievement of the objectives of the project will implement the following activities: 1. Employment of 71 people from the target groups for up to 12 months. 2. Psychological support and motivation to the people from the target groups for inclusion in employment. 3. Purchase of equipment for the newly created jobs. 4. Research of demand and opportunities for market realization of the provided services. The target groups in this project are people with disabilities and other socially excluded persons. Following the implementation of the project will achieve the following key results: - Reduced poverty (better socioeconomic status) of 71 people from the target groups who have secured employment through the creation of new jobs; - Providing support for 71 people from the target groups through trainings on psychological support and motivation for inclusion in employment; - Purchased equipment, clothing and supplies that will help achieve the objectives of the project; - Report will be prepared, together with a strategy regarding the possibilities of market opportunities and the provided services; - will be promoted this procedure of OP HRD.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 Sep, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 26 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 386,784.22
Grant 386,784.22
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 245,707.79
EU participation percent 85.0%
