Development of social enterprise Bartına

The main objective of this project is to provide employment and professional integration of 16 persons from the target group in social enterprise Bartina. The specific objectives of the project are: - To hire 16 persons from the target group for a period of 12 months, who to be actively involved in the development of activities of social enterprise - To provide psychological support and motivate the individuals from vulnerable groups for inclusion in employment - To provide adequate equipment necessary for work performance of newly appointed persons - To improve the qualifications and competence of newly recruited staff by providing training in digital competence - To provide practical guidance and support at the workplace and encourage integration into the workforce of the newly recruited staff by setting mentors to the newly recruited staff. - Study of demand and the opportunities for sales of the social enterprise services. From the general and specific objectives of the project logically follow and the basic activities and measures of the project: 1. Support for employment for up to 12 months 2. Psychological support and motivation of the individuals from vulnerable groups for inclusion in employment 3. Providing mentor for the newly recruited staff. 4. Equipment of newly created jobs and, if necessary, adapted for persons with disabilities and / or repair of the room. 5. Providing training to persons who found employment in social enterprises, specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities 6. Study of demand and the market for the manufactured goods and services provided. 7. Measures for information and publicity of the project 8. Organization and management of the project

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Jun, 2018
End date 15 Oct, 2019
Contract date 12 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 192,626.42
Grant 192,626.42
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 167,305.81
EU participation percent 85.0%
