Creation of a new social enterprise "Golden Key" Ltd. in the field of making children's clothing for vulnerable target groups

The idea of creating a new social enterprise "Golden Key" Ltd will serve for successful integration of vulnerable groups and support for their better quality of life. The planned project activities will provide conditions for appropriate adaptation and employment in employment of 6 persons from vulnerable social groups - people with disabilities - 1 person and disadvantaged persons on the labor market and other socially excluded persons: unemployed over 54 - 2 persons and long-term unemployed - 3 persons, who will be given the opportunity for professional development. A new social enterprise will be created in the sphere of production of children's clothes and accessories in the village of Pripek, Aksakovo municipality, Varna district. The necessary equipment will be delivered to the new workplaces, and materials and consumables will be purchased to secure the work of the target group. Will be employed by vulnerable groups in the following positions distributed as follows: 1 person in the position of "Machine operator, ironing press"; 3 persons in the position "Tailor"; 1 person in "Warehouse" position; 1 person in the position "Cleaner, manufacturing premises". The targeted persons of the target group will be assisted by a committed team of the social enterprise - manager and organiser production, providing them with permanent working conditions. The sustainability of the social enterprise will be promoted through effective promotional activities, and a formed organisation and management team will follow progress at each stage.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 Jun, 2018
End date 19 Sep, 2019
Contract date 19 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 97,793.86
Grant 97,793.86
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 95,958.15
EU participation percent 85.0%
