"Establishment and development of social enterprise to "Stomper" LTD.

The Project “Establishment and development of social enterprise to “Stomper” LTD.” is pointed to inclusion, employment and social integration of young people with disabilities, and people disadvantaged in the labor market and other socially excluded people. The main purpose of the project is to create access to employment and opportunity for social inclusion of people from vulnerable groups in the labor market, also people with disabilities. To realize this fundamental objective we plan to make recruitment and selection of individuals from target groups, their inclusion in employment and providing employment support to people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, as unemployed/inactive people who care for them. Based on this approach, the team of “Stomper” LTD, in partnership with Foundation for Social Investment and Resources and Center for Vocational Training, Knowledge and Progress will combine capacity and expertise to implement the following major project activities: Activity 1:Creation, equipment and training of social enterprise to the “Stomper” LTD. Activity 2:Conducting the recruitment and selection of persons with disabilities and unemployed persons for employment in social enterprise Activity 3:Psychological support and motivation of to people from the vulnerable groups for inclusion and employment Activity 4:Employment of persons with disabilities and unemployed people in the social enterprise Activity 5:Conduct training for professional qualification in "Polygraphy" and "Economic Information Assurance” Activity 6:Social marketing and promotion activities for the social economy and social entrepreneurship Activity 7:Social and labor integration of persons from the target groups in the social enterprise. As a result of the activities 5 persons with disabilities and 6 disadvantaged in the labor market will provide sustainable employment for minimum 12 months.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 13 Jun, 2018
End date 13 Dec, 2019
Contract date 13 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 199,957.52
Grant 199,957.52
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 39,991.50
EU participation percent 85.0%


South Central (BG42)