Extending activities of the existing social company Bret Konsult Ltd

Bret Konsult ltd will extend its activity as a social company wich except the offered services today`s date will developed and provided new services connected with trainings by the professional and special competences. For the purpose Bret Konsult Ltd has to developed training programs and subjects, as well as web-platform for providing the services, except the compulsory license and registration. The basic purpose – to extending the company`activity is conductive by the opportunity Bret Konsult Ltd to stay on the market as well as to enrich the offer services spectrum including the social like these. The submit an access to training persons who are in difficult position with their implementation on the labor market, will achieve definitely positive social effect. The activities realization will lead to achieve preview request results: - to extend the Social company` activity through the opportunity to provide professional and special competences training; - to create a wide set of training programs and subjects wich is task of appointed through subsidized employment persons in the project and their mentors; - to facilitate employment` access through submit the professional and special competences training the persons of target group and to provide them on work; - to support the social including vulnerable groups through create the appropriate conditions for professional realization of target group persons who had been appointed by the subsidized employment in Bret Konsult Ltd. - To investigate the demand and opportunities of market realization of the services provided from the company through market analysis and research construction and marketing project for market realization the services, submit by the Bret Konsult Ltd - To make popular the social effect of the Bret Konsult` activity and the submit services through assure a social marketing and popularize the social economics and the social entrepreneurship;

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 26 Apr, 2018
End date 26 Jul, 2019
Contract date 26 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 129,281.60
Grant 129,281.60
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
