"Development of social entrepreneurship, through the creation of a social enterprise at PROWAY AGENCY"

Within the project, a social enterprise will be established at the PROWAY AGENCY, with main activity in the field of events, marketing, advertising and PR of public events.The social enterprise will operate according to the Rules of Procedure of the social enterprise, elaborated during the project, through the 14 newly appointed persons, representatives of the target groups, who will be disadvantaged on the labor market and other socially excluded persons. Twelve months of employment will be provided in the social enterprise, for representative of the target groups. The workplaces for the newcomers will be provided, with the necessary equipment and furniture. To ensure a smooth transition to employment, psychological assistance and motivation will be organized for persons from vulnerable groups, as well as training on key competence 6 "Public and civic competences" for 10 elected representatives of the target group (4 persons on the territory of Sofia and 6 persons on the territory of the town of Samokov). PRO WAY AGENCY will ensure two tutors for the target group, for the period of 6 months. Training on key competence 7: "Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship" is foreseen for 4 employees, with management functions in the social enterprise. Sustainable employment will be ensured for a period of 12 months within the project, for all 14 representatives of the target groups, and withholding at least 7 persons for a period of 6 months, after the end of the project. As part of the implementation of the project activities, social marketing and promotion of the social economy and social entrepreneurship will be carried out. As a result of the implementation of the project, access to employment will be facilitated and support for the social inclusion of vulnerable groups will be ensured, by creating suitable conditions for their professional integration in the sphere of the social economy.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2018
End date 01 Dec, 2019
Contract date 11 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 167,650.56
Grant 167,650.56
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 157,813.59
EU participation percent 85.0%
