Development of modern forms of social enterprise in Sofia Municipality.

The aim of the newly created social enterprise is to provide employment / professional realization and income for persons from the target groups. This will be achieved through the creation of a Social Enterprise Agency for online translation, information and other services. The Agency will be working through an online platform that will enable individuals in risk groups who are prevented for any reason from being in a real work environment working from home in a remote form. Target groups are: mothers with children after the second year of maternity, people with permanent physical disabilities, young people under 29, as well as those who care for a dependent family member and other disadvantaged people on the labor market of Sofia region . The aim is to create conditions for their professional integration. This will be achieved by implementing a package of activities: 1 Psychological support and motivation of persons from vulnerable groups for inclusion in employment; 2 Social and professional integration of representatives of vulnerable groups in the social economy sector; 3 Key competence training; 4 Repair of premises and equipment of new jobs; 5 Start, operation of the SP , provision of employment and mentoring; 6 Exploring the demand and the possibilities for market realization of the provided services; 7 Social marketing and promotion of the social economy and social entrepreneurship. 8 Vocational education. The planned results are: Identified representatives of the target group; Provided psychological support and motivation and integration activities for persons from the target group; Enhancing the knowledge and skills of the target group; Material provision of new jobs with appropriate working environment and equipment; Conducted market research on the services provided; Increased awareness of the community about the opportunities of the social economy and social entrepreneurship in terms of employment and income.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 18 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 198,340.80
Grant 198,340.80
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 100,966.55
EU participation percent 85.0%
