Social enterprise "Assistance"

The main purpose of this project application is to provide support for social inclusion of people with disabilities and in social disadvantage at the labor market and other social excluded people. This will happen with the creation of appropriate conditions for their professional integration in the social economic area, in the newly created social company of the Alfa Club structure With the current procedure and it will start to function as such with the current project application. The plan is to provide help for providing employment for 12 months period of 22 people in the target group. We will provide training for the people of the target group, which will include: Professional orientation and activation, motivational and professional training and also psychological support. The Sustainability of the results will be guaranteed with the extended functioning of the social company and also keeping of 11 employees at work for 6 months after the approval of the final report of the project. Location(s) of the project implementation: Veliko Tarnovo District, Gorna Oryahovitsa Municipality, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Dolna Oryahovitsa, Varbitsa, Gorski Goren Trambesh, Gorski Dolen Trambesh, Draganovo, Krusheto, Paisiy, Polikraishte, Pravda, Parvomaytsi, Strelets, Veliko Turnovo Municipality, Veliko Tarnovo, Debelets, Kilifarevo, Lyaskovets Municipality, Lyaskovets, Djulyunica, Kozarevets, Strazhitsa Municipality, Strazhitsa, Tsarski Izvor and Sushitsa.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 01 Nov, 2019
Contract date 31 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 286,004.54
Grant 286,004.54
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 285,976.06
EU participation percent 85.0%


Veliko Tarnovo (BG321)