“Call-and-code“ will be established as a social enterprise within the organisational structure of the candidate Market LINKS Ltd. – an agency for market research and consulting and will start functioning during the project of the current procedure. The enterprise will provide employment to people from vulnerable groups and with the help of specialists from a successful company to start functioning as a separate business - sustainable and following the principles of the social entrepreneurship. The activity of the enterprise is connected with modern technologies in the constantly expanding field of collection and processing of information and precisely, with the following three activities: • Logical cross-checks, coding and key codes list elaboration • Recruitment of participants and respondents in market and social research • Execution of small-scale expert projects via phone (CATI –computer assisted telephone interviews) The financing through the current procedure and project will enable to -establish the organisational structure of the enterprise -employ 8 unemployed, non-active persons, 6 of which of the target vulnerable groups - to utilise the experience and potential of unemployed people aged above 54 years - to provide the employed staff from the target groups with supporting work environment through providing coaches and psychologist and applying the life long learning approach to enable them to obtain organisational, managerial and technological skills and develop positive self-perception and confidence. - to provide all necessary resources including equipment and software for accomplishment of the production, marketing and social activities during the project, but also for functioning of the enterprise sustainably afterwards. “Call-and-code” is the fourth social enterprise, in creation of which Market LINKS takes active part, following the vision of its managerial team to support the development of the social economy in Bulgaria.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 01 Nov, 2019 |
Contract date | 05 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 99,118.91 |
Grant | 99,118.91 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 90,354.58 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |