Promoting the social inclusion by providing employment at "JB Electronics" EOOD

The project proposal is aimed at increasing opportunities for social and professional integration of representatives of vulnerable groups in the social economy sector and continued realization of the labor market, which will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives of the OP HRD in the implementation of Europe 2020 in employment, fighting poverty and social exclusion. In the project envisages the following activities that will contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship and sustainable implementation of the lats from the target group: - Provide psychological support and motivate individuals from vulnerable groups for inclusion in employment; - Conducting training in key competence for persons from the target group; - Ensuring employment for a period of 12 months for persons from the target group; - Providing mentor of employer for the new employees for 6 months; - Equipment and adaptation of the created new work places; - Organization and project management; - Information and communication of the project. Activities envisaged in the project proposal covering all 7 persons from the target group, three of which them with disabilities and four persons at a disadvantage on the labor market and other socially excluded - unemployed youths. After the psychological support, motivation and training in key competence of eight members of the target group will be provided employment in "JB Electronics" EOOD for 12 months under the project and up to four weeks after completion of project activities. The expected results of the project are in line with Priority Axis 2 "Reducing poverty and promote social inclusion", Investment Priority 4 "Promoting social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social enterprises and promote social and solidarity economy in order to facilitate access to employment " and specific objective 1" Increasing the number of social enterprises after the endorsement".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 13 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 93,112.68
Grant 93,112.68
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 78,268.96
EU participation percent 85.0%
