This project is complex of activities which are improving the opportunities for personal and professional development of 260 people with disabilities /including kids and families with disabled members/. Based on deep analytic work and practical job for exploration of the most recent tendencies for active social inclusion of people with disabilities, stimulating personal and professional development. It also innovates the social services provided. The project stimulates the collaboration among the applicant, the local business, the NGO sector and includes over 210 people with disabilities in a sequence of forums, seminars and practical work on appliead projects. They are complemented by direct measures and initiatives for improving the practical business and enterpreneurship skills of people with disabilities and the cooperation among them, the organisations representing the intersts of the people with disabilities and the local business. This is achieved though interactive business seminars, business incubator and practical oriented language courses. Through the positive, cognitive and the art therapy during the project though individual and group psychological trennings and consultations, over 160 people with disabilities will improve their personal motivation in the spaces for personal development, goup, art and dance trainings, relaxation and mediattion techniques such as yoga, fitball, self help groups and others. Over 220 people with disabilities will take part into sport activities, local and national sport tournaments and specialised campaign for health promotion and prevention. Mediacl and sport experts /dietology and other GP/ will prepare inidvidual prevention, health, physical, dietary regime and consultation for prevention of socially important illnesses.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 23 Apr, 2018 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2021 |
Contract date | 23 Apr, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 374,581.90 |
Grant | 374,581.90 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 299,665.52 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |