Equal chances for people with neuromuscular diseases for the actively involve them in society and improve their quality of life

The current project is aimed at creating prerequisites for increasing the "social capital" of society through the full integration of people with neuromuscular diseases (PNMD), to overcome their social exclusion, achieve sustainable employment and social inclusion. In this connection, in order to identify the needs of PNMD and persons who take care of them, the project will start with their research, study and analysis (Action 3). In order to overcome the communication barriers and to facilitate the formation of the target groups, in parallel with the analysis it is envisaged to launch and form local groups by interests (Action 7), as well as to set up a mobile multi-disciplinary team of specialists (MMDT) in accordance to the specifics of PNMD for visiting their homes in order to improve the access to PNMD to healthcare and organizing a round table dedicated to this topic with a media coverage (Action 6). On the basis of the developed methodology for social inclusion through employment of PNMD (Activity 3), the process of identifying the target persons under the project will started by working on an individual level in support centers of PNMD (SCPNMD), according to the needs of "individual" (Activity 4). In the same time, four discussion forums will be held with exhibitions of hand-made articles in the BNMDA community (Activity 1) to familiarize the public with the opportunities of PNMD in order to help accelerate the process of social inclusion through employment. After informing the public, using inertia from the forums, the efforts of local SCPNMD teams will focus on developming cooperation and partnership models at local and regional level (Action 2). Along with these activities, professional orientation (Activity 4), trainings and monthly practical activities with the target groups (Activity 5) will be carried out to increase the duration of their working life and their accelerated integration into the labour market and society.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Apr, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2021
Contract date 10 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 375,633.67
Grant 375,633.67
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 263,939.04
EU participation percent 85.0%
