Partnership for a better life

The current project is focused on the establishment of a partnership among socially responsible employers, social service providers, local and state authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders throughout the country in order to provide conditions for the social inclusion of people with disabilities through employment. Two national networks will be created and further developed as a result of the partnership - one consisting of socially responsible employers who will be motivated to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities, and one national network of social services engaged in activities aimed at the personal development and social inclusion of people with disabilities through employment. The project will further relate to the conduction of an information campaign and meetings throughout the country, which will draw the attention of the stakeholders and the society as a whole to considering people with disabilities as an equal part of society having the ability to get a job on the open labour market. Moreover, a Supported Employment Centre will be established within the project acting as a functional bond between people with disabilities and the established partnership networks. The Centre will implement its activities on a national level through the structures of National Alliance for Social Responsibility. It will contribute to the development of the social services' activities through innovative instruments based on the implementation of foreign experience in supported employment. The Centre will involve 120 people with disabilities above the age of 18 years, among whom 100 will be provided with services for personal development through employment and 20 will start looking for a job on the open labour market. It will also include 15 children with disabilities whose parents are not able to get employed because of the lack of support. 10 of the children will be directed to services provided by the network established within the current project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2018
End date 01 Sep, 2020
Contract date 18 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 390,982.43
Grant 390,982.43
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 389,699.10
EU participation percent 85.0%
