NUWPC - Equal Chances

The project proposal includes the implementation of a complex of activities for active social inclusion of people with disabilities as one of the most vulnerable groups in our society through the establishment of a Center for Persons and Children with Disabilities "Jeravna". In addition, the level of public awareness of the problems and opportunities of people with disabilities will be raised and work will be done to change public attitudes towards them. Conditions will be created to facilitate access to employment for vulnerable groups and improve the knowledge and skills of civil society structures to implement local and national policies in the field of support for people with disabilities and their families. The activities, which will be carried out to achieve the results are as follows: 1. Establishment and functioning of a Center for Persons and Children with Disabilities "Jeravna" 2. Performing research and analysis on the needs of disabled persons 3. Development of a network of innovative social services for people with disabilities 4. Implementation of initiatives for informing and presenting the opportunities for people with disabilities and local social activities for social inclusion 5. Creating a model for partnership and partnership at local and regional level 6. Improving access to healthcare and health promotion 7. Information and communication activities The guiding principle in the implementation of the project activities is the placement in the "center" of the needs and wants of the "individual".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 Apr, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2021
Contract date 19 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 369,163.52
Grant 369,163.52
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 258,230.21
EU participation percent 85.0%
