Personal development of persons with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities "New skills and social inclusion "

The project focuses on providing an integrated model of services / programs for personal development, providing support to people with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities and promoting volunteering.The planned project activities will involve 30 people from the target group. The focus of the project (program) are new services and models that simultaneously meet social needs, create new social relationships to ensure participation based on the needs and benefits of the target group. The project aims to:: -to implement a personal development program with different working methods; -ensure the quality of the integrated service / program provided; There are four key factors that are important to ensure that implementation achieves social inclusion.These are:participation of persons(direct beneficiaries), skills formation, satisfaction of leisure needs,stakeholder partnership.The target group is the main focus of the project, but many other actors contribute to its implementation through the principles of partnership and interaction. The activities ensure: 1. Involvement of persons in various activities (clubs, ateliers, studios) in order to promote skills (arts, ecology, etc.) 2. improvement of skills- work / work habits (value-added activities) 3. Participation in various activities (sport for all in leisure) 4.Promotion of volunteering (cause related activities) The project implements sustainable development policy and has no negative effects on policy principles across the three major axes - economic, social and environmental. The partnership created within the project enables the personal development program to be enriched, monitored and analyzed, not only as quality and interconnections, but also as sustainability and efficiency. All activities correspond to the objectives and priorities of this procedure and support their implementation.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 05 Jun, 2020
End date 05 Dec, 2021
Contract date 05 Jun, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 301,520.80
Grant 301,520.80
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 94,883.24
EU participation percent 85.0%
